
honorary 基本解釋


形容詞榮譽的,光榮的; 名譽的,名譽上的; 道義上的; 紀念性的

名詞名譽學(xué)位; 獲名譽學(xué)位者; 名譽團體

honorary 相關(guān)例句


1. He's the honorary chairman of the committee.


2. The college gave the ambassador an honorary degree.


honorary 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. honorary在線翻譯

1. 榮譽的:honingmachine 珩磨機 | honorary 榮譽的 | honorpolicy 信用保單

2. 提及:Special獎: Qiao韋-中國 | Honorary提及: | Amir Amini -伊朗

3. 名譽的:honor policy ==> 名譽保險單,信用保險單 | honorary ==> 名譽的 | honorary advisor ==> 名譽顧問


4. 獲得名譽學(xué)位的人:eleemosynary 依靠救濟的人 | honorary 獲得名譽學(xué)位的人 | temporary 臨時工

honorary 雙語例句

1. Mei Lan-fang, considered the most beautiful Chinese alive, awarded an honorary degree by the University of California after the American tour of his Peking opera troupe. Both the female impersonator and the diplomat were taken by the Japanese in protective custody and shipped back to Shanghai where they were best known and could be put to the greatest use.


2. JP and Honorary Consul of Bhutan, Dr the Hon CHENG Yu-tung, GBM are

彤博士,大紫荊勛賢,以其大紫荊勛賢身份,包括在就可以看到這種精美皮膚;2、在皮膚界面中選擇自己喜歡的皮膚點開,點開后再點擊下方的立即啟用即可更換皮膚。)se he was the honorary chairman of the society.


honorary 詞典解釋

1. (稱號、成員資格)榮譽的,名譽的

An honorary title or membership of a group is given to someone without their needing to have the necessary qualifications, usually because of their public achievements.

e.g. He will be awarded the honorary degree in a ceremony at Newcastle University.


e.g. ...an honorary member of the Golf Club.


2. (職位)無報酬的,義務(wù)的

Honorary is used to describe an official job that is done without payment.

e.g. ...the honorary secretary of the Cheshire Beekeepers' Association.


honorary 單語例句

1. State leaders in many countries worldwide act as the honorary presidents of the Red Cross.

2. The Financial Secretary will serve as honorary chairperson, with Executive Councillor Charles Lee as chairman.

3. Greenspan has agreed to to be honorary adviser to British finance minister Gordon Brown on global economic change after stepping down.

4. The zoo said whoever comes up with the penguin chick's name will become its honorary parent for life.

5. On the last leg of his European trip in France, the city council of Paris conferred honorary citizenship upon the Dalai Lama.

6. China on Tuesday expressed its strong discontent and resolute opposition to Paris city council awarding the Dalai Lama honorary citizenship of the city.

7. Commencement speakers typically are awarded honorary degrees as a sign of respect and appreciation.

8. We invite famous scholars home and abroad to be honorary professors or to hold concurrent post here.

9. The appointment of an honorary consul has to be recognized by the governments of both the sending state and receiving state.

10. The sending state can specifically recommend an honorary consul or ask the receiving state to select one.

honorary 英英釋義


1. given as an honor without the normal duties

e.g. an honorary degree