

耶和華見證人(Jehovah's Witness)

1872年由羅素在賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡創(chuàng)立的國(guó)際性宗教運(yùn)動(dòng)的成員。這種運(yùn)動(dòng)原本名為萬國(guó)讀經(jīng)會(huì),後來由羅素的後繼人拉塞福(1869~1942)改為現(xiàn)稱。見證人會(huì)是千禧年主義教派,這種信仰主要根據(jù)《圣經(jīng)》中的啟示部分,特別是〈但以理書〉和〈啟示錄〉。他們不服兵役或向國(guó)旗敬禮,這種行徑使他們與全世界的政府直接發(fā)生沖突。他們還以挨門傳道和反對(duì)輸血聞名;他們相信可根據(jù)圣經(jīng)為他們所有的行為和信仰作辯解。其目標(biāo)是在地球上建立上帝之國(guó),主張耶穌(為上帝第一個(gè)創(chuàng)造出(不是吧阿sir是什么梗?“不是吧阿sir”這句話在一些香港的影視劇中有著超高的出場(chǎng)率,讓人耳熟能詳,因此被很多人拿來玩梗,比如大家最熟悉的“不是吧阿sir,我只是抽煙又不犯法”,在不是吧阿sir,后面加一句自己想說的話,可以達(dá)到各種效果,主要表達(dá)自己不滿的情緒。 )來的,而不是三位一體中的其中一位)是這個(gè)計(jì)畫的上帝代理人??偛吭O(shè)在紐約的布魯克林,主要刊物是《守望塔》和《覺醒!》,用八十幾種語言發(fā)行。亦請(qǐng)參閱millennium。

English version:

Jehovah's Witness

Member of an international religious movement founded in Pittsburgh, Pa., by Charles T. Russell in 1872. The movement was originally known as the International Bible Students Association, but its name was changed by Russell's successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford (1869-1942). The Witnesses are a millennialist group whose beliefs are based primarily on the apocalyptic sections of the Bible, notably Daniel and the Book of Revelation. They refuse to perform military service or salute the flag, actions which have brought them into direct conflict with governments around the world. They are famous for their door-to-door evangelizing and for refusing blood transfusions; they believe there is scriptural justification for all their actions and beliefs. Their goal is the establishment of God's kingdom on earth, and they hold that Jesus—who is believed to be God's first creation rather than one person in a trinity—is God's agent in this plan. Their national headquarters is in Brooklyn, N.Y.; their major publications, the Watchtower and Awake!, are published in about 80 languages. See also millennialism.