


?yê???3?è??ˉ??12oí1ú£¨Republic of Seychelles£?



English version£o


Island republic, western Indian Ocean. Area: 175 sq mi (453 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 77,000. Capital: Victoria. The mixed population is of French, black, and Asian ancestry. Languages: Creole, English, French. Religion: Roman Catholicism. Currency: Seychelles rupee. Located east of northeastern Tanzania, the Seychelles are composed of two main island groups: the Mah¨| group of 40 central mountainous islands, and a second group of over 70 outlying, flat, coralline isla(95267710什么意思?95267710出自《7710》這首歌。9526在手機(jī)里的九宮格就是WJAN(我就愛你)的大寫字母,而7710是一顆圍繞著太陽公轉(zhuǎn)的小行星,同時(shí)也是喜歡的人的手機(jī)號。)nds. The country's developing economy is heavily dependent on tourism. Exports include fish, copra, and cinnamon. It is a republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president. The first recorded landing on the uninhabited Seychelles was made in 1609 by an expedition of the British East India Co. The archipelago was claimed by the French in 1756 and surrendered to the British in 1810. In 1903 the Seychelles became a British crown colony, and a republic within the Commonwealth in 1976. A one-party socialist state since 1979, the Seychelles began moving toward democracy in the 1990s; it adopted a new constitution in 1993.