
Adams, John Quincy

美國第六任總統(tǒng)(1825~1829),生於麻州布蘭曲市。約翰.亞當斯總統(tǒng)及艾碧該.亞當斯之長子。1778~1780年隨其父出使歐洲,1794年華盛頓派他為美國駐荷蘭大使,1797年派駐普魯士(Prussia)。1801年返回麻州,1803年獲選為參議員。1809~1811年擔任駐俄沙皇宮廷大使。1815~1817年轉(zhuǎn)任駐英大使。1817~1824年返國任國務(wù)卿,任內(nèi)促成西班牙割讓佛羅里達(Florida),也參與起草門羅主義(Monroe Doctrine)。1824年總統(tǒng)大選時,亞當斯是三位總統(tǒng)候選人之一,另外兩位是克雷(Henry Clay)及杰克森(Andrew Jackson)將軍。選舉結(jié)果無人能獲得總統(tǒng)選舉人票半數(shù),雖然杰克森獲得的票數(shù)最多,依法應(yīng)由眾議院(House of Represen tatives)投票決定。因得克雷之助,亞當斯得以順利當選。後來亞當斯指派克雷擔任國務(wù)卿,因此更惹火杰克森。亞當斯在總統(tǒng)任內(nèi)做得并不成功,1828年杰克森當選總統(tǒng),打敗想連任的他。1830年亞當斯當選為眾議員,一直任職到去世為止。他是奴隸制度的強力反對者,1839年曾提出一項憲法修正案,禁止各聯(lián)邦新州實行奴隸制。1844年他要求廢止當時的眾議院規(guī)則第二十一條,最後獲得通過。1841年他在愛米斯塔特號叛變(Amistad Mutiny)案中,替脫逃的奴隸辯護成功。

English version:


Adams, John Quincy

Sixth president of the U.S. (1825-29). Born in Braintree, Mass., he was the eldest son of John Adams and Abigail Adams. He accompanied his father to Europe on diplomatic missions (1778(sync是什么意思?雙區(qū)同步溫控,sync通俗點說就是同步的意思。按開就是同時調(diào)空調(diào)一邊的溫度、風量,另一邊也同步調(diào)節(jié),不按的話,就是各自調(diào)各自的。)-80). He was appointed U.S. minister to the Netherlands (1794) and to Prussia (1797). In 1801 he returned to Massachusetts and served in the U.S. Senate (1803-8). Resuming his diplomatic service, he became U.S. minister to Russia (1809-11) and Britain (1815-17). Appointed secretary of state (1817-24), he was instrumental in acquiring Florida from Spain and in drafting the Monroe Doctrine. In the 1824 presidential election, he was one of three candidates; none received a majority of the electoral votes, though Andrew Jackson received a plurality. The decision went to the House of Representatives, where Adams received crucial support from Henry Clay and the electoral votes necessary to elect him president. He appointed Clay secretary of state, which further angered Jackson. Adams's presidency was unsuccessful; when he ran for reelection, Jackson defeated him. In 1830 he was elected to the House, where he served until his death. He was outspoken in his opposition to slavery and in 1839 proposed a constitutional amendment forbidding slavery in any new state admitted to the Union. Southern congressmen prevented discussion of antislavery petitions by passing gag rules (repealed in 1844 as a result of Adams's persistence). In 1841 he successfully defended the slaves in the Amistad Mutiny case.