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BBW是Big Beautiful Woman的縮寫,中文翻譯為大號(hào)美女,泛指那些體格比普通女人大很多且身材擁有曲線較好的女人。BBW是大號(hào)美女的意思,不是任何胖的漂亮女人都能被叫作BBW,BBW是專門指一種長得比平常的女人高大,但是又非常有女性曲線的女人。




nest n。(名詞) (1) A container or shelter made by a bird out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold its eggs and young。 鳥巢:鳥用小樹枝、草或其它東西做的窩或在里邊產(chǎn)卵、養(yǎng)鳥或棲息 (2) A similar structure in which fish, insects, or other animals deposit eggs or keep their young。 窟:魚、昆蟲或其它動(dòng)物產(chǎn)卵或養(yǎng)幼雛的一種類似結(jié)構(gòu) (3) A pl...全部

nest n。(名詞) (1) A container or shelter made by a bird out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold its eggs and young。
鳥巢:鳥用小樹枝、草或其它東西做的窩或在里邊產(chǎn)卵、養(yǎng)鳥或棲息 (2) A similar structure in which fish, insects, or other animals deposit eggs or keep their young。
窟:魚、昆蟲或其它動(dòng)物產(chǎn)卵或養(yǎng)幼雛的一種類似結(jié)構(gòu) (3) A place in which young are reared; a lair。 穴:撫養(yǎng)幼雛的地方;獸穴 (4) A number of insects, birds, or other animals occupying such a place: 窩:一些昆蟲、鳥或其它動(dòng)物占據(jù)的地方: a nest of hornets。
馬蜂窩 (5) A place affording snug refuge or lodging; a home。 安樂窩:提供舒適的避難所或住所的地方;家 (6) A place or an environment that fosters rapid growth or development, especially of something undesirable; a hotbed: 罪惡的溫床:寄生者迅速成長或發(fā)展的地方或環(huán)境,尤指不稱心的地方;溫床: a nest of criminal activity。
犯罪的溫床 v。(動(dòng)詞) nest。ed, nest。ing, nests v。intr。(不及物動(dòng)詞(rp是什么意思?rp有人品、角色扮演的意思,也是Rapid Prototyping的縮寫,意思是迅速成形迅速成形技能是一種基于失散堆積成形思惟的新式成形技能。)) (1) To build or occupy a nest。 筑巢:修建或占有一個(gè)巢 (2) To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge。
找尋庇護(hù)所:建起或住進(jìn)一個(gè)溫暖而安全的避難所 (3) To hunt for birds' nests, especially in order to collect the eggs。
獵取鳥窩:尋找鳥窩,尤其是為了收集鳥蛋 (4) To fit together in a stack。 成堆放置:成套地堆放在一起 v。tr。(及物動(dòng)詞) (1) To place in or as if in a nest。
置于巢中:放或似放進(jìn)巢內(nèi) (2) To put snugly together or inside one another: 重疊放置:很恰當(dāng)?shù)胤旁谝黄鸹虬岩粋€(gè)放在另一個(gè)里: to nest boxes。