
有一個人 - Syl Chan&Jenny Ho(電影《被偷走的那五年》插曲) 歌曲試聽有一個人 - Syl Chan&Jenny Ho(電影《被偷走的那五年》插曲)歌詞
曲: 黎允文
詞: 許少榮
O.P.: Java Music Productions
編曲: 黎允文
主唱: Syl Chan, Jenny Ho
I will always love you, babe.
獨(dú)白: 如果有一個人你注定要愛上她
If ever there is someone destined to be your true love,
Please cherish her with all your heart.
愛愛愛愛 愛著她
Love~ Love ~ Love~ Love~ Loving her
答應(yīng)好嗎 不要變卦
愛愛愛愛 愛著她
If ever there is someone destined to be your love,
If ever there is a place waiting to be your home,
Please say yes I do, and never change.
Love~ Love ~ Love~ Love~ Loving her
如果沒有 你的呵護(hù)
你手心溫度 巧合的力度
Without your care,
Everything ends up with a mistake.
Your warmth and strength
Is with every step she takes.
有些事情 有一些話
快快與她 組成一個家
There are some deeds and there are some words,
You will regret if you don't do or say them.
Don't wait, ask her to marry you.
答應(yīng)好嗎 不要變卦
愛愛愛愛 愛著她
If ever there is someone destined to be your love,
If ever there is a place waiting to be your home,
Please say yes I do, and never change.
Love~ Love ~ Love~ Love~ Loving her(巴黎世家是什么梗?2020年的七夕時,Balenciaga依靠“土味廣告”成功出圈,迅速在時尚圈掀起了一場流量與話題的狂歡,當(dāng)時無一不在詬病七夕限定的“土味”。之后又憑借巴黎世家的經(jīng)典字母襪再次火了起來,短視頻平臺的播放量一路飆升,讓印有 Logo 的黑絲愈發(fā)受寵。)
答應(yīng)好嗎 不要變卦
愛愛愛愛 愛著她
If ever there is someone in this world destined to be your love,
If ever there is a place waiting to be your home,
Please say yes I do, and never change.
Love~ Love ~ Love~ Love~ Loving her
如果沒有 你的擁抱 ( You will always be my Babe )
什么成就 也失去了重要 ( No matter where you are, no matter how far )
再美的地方 她也去不了 ( I don't care if it is raining, and I don't care if it is storming )
那快樂只是遮瑕膏 ( I will always come back to you )
Without your embrace,
Everything good becomes meaningless.
She couldn't go anywhere beautiful.
Her happiness is only a disguise..
有些緣份 有一個人
你看不到嗎 她在等你嗎
There is this person, there is this fate,
You will live forever in regret if you let them slip away,
Can’t you see that she 's been waiting for you!
本頁提供的是歌手被偷走的那五年的有一個人 - Syl Chan&Jenny Ho(電影《被偷走的那五年》插曲)歌詞文本和有一個人 - Syl Chan&Jenny Ho(電影《被偷走的那五年》插曲)lrc歌詞。